Monday 29 August 2011


When asked if I play sports in Canada, my host mother will list my sport history at whoever's asking. So after a week here, my host mother took me to a soccer game, and began encouraging me to join because I "am a sporty girl". Now, this isn't just any regular soccer team. My host sister, Jamina, currently on exchange in Australia had played on this team for years, and they even won the Swiss Cup! Watching them play I just say "Wow, they are good. really good" (that's about as far as my German goes). So after watching a couple of their games, my host mother and I talked to the coach and we agreed that although I don't really play soccer, he would let me come to the practice and if it wasn't going to work I could play with a younger group.

 Leading up to my first practice, I was terrified. Will they laugh at me? Will I fall flat on my face? What if I don't understand anything?  In the end, I decided that I don't really know anyone here, so I don't care if I embarrass myself. That's what my exchange year is for. Going for it.

So tonight, I went to my first practice. The whole team was super sweet (despite my fears) and was happy to whisper English or easier German translations to me. I made it through all the drills (only mildly embarrassing) and did my usual "run in circles and smile" tactics on the field. I couldn't decide if I was playing in the World Cup, or in the Olympics but the other girls were very good, and it was pretty cool to play with them.

When I asked the coach if I should come back, he took me to talk to the coach of the other group, so I will be joining a different (younger) group on Thursday!  It's too bad that I can't practice with tonight's team, but to be fair, they have been playing for years and many of them are much older (a lot are 21 and well into university). On the bright side, I think I'm making Swiss friends! After practice, a couple of the girls approached me and asked me (in English/German combo) to hang out with them soon!  Also, I understood much more German than I expected to! At least I'm heading in the right direction!

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