Sunday 28 August 2011

First Post from Switzerland

So it's been two weeks. I had planned to update a blog much more frequently, but I've been busy, so I'll do what I can!

Although it was very hard to say goodbye to all my friends and family, I am so happy here!

 My host family is really very nice and have been very welcoming to me. Rita my hostmom is the perfect Swiss mom, and is also a great cook!  We had loads of fresh bread, and always lettuce, cucumbers, zuccini's or even berries from the garden! My host sister, Fiona, had been on Rotary Exchange from Switzerland to Ontatio  several years ago, so  her English/German translations make my life a lot easier! My host brother, Andrin, is in the army for 17 weeks as is mandatory in Switzerland, so he is only home one day each week. Mitch, my host father is an architect and he even designed our very modern house! I have my own room (borrowed from a host sister on exchange in Australia), with a beautiful view of the surrounding hills, with a field of yellow flowers in the valley. So far, I have been managing to keep my room clean (a change from my canadian room) and I hope to keep it this way!

For the past two weeks, I have been attending a language camp in Zurich. Every morning I get up at 6:15 so I can leave the house by 7:15 and start my journey to school. I bike from my house to the bus station in my village, Erlinsbach, then take the bus into the nearby city, Aarau, next a train into Zurich, where I switch to a different train which takes me to the area of the city where I go to school. Luckily, I have train buddies. There are two other exchange students living near Aarau, so we meet at the train station at the same time every morning and travel together. I have become good friends with Danielle from Saskatchewan and Ben from Mexico on our daily train rides!

 At language camp, there are 30 Rotary Exchange students closest to Zurich. There are also German language camps in Luzern and Bern and I think even one in the french part. The first thing they had us do on our first day of language school was a test. Thirty minutes, fifty questions. All in German.  Somehow, I guessed enough questions right because when they split us into two classes, I was put in the "advanced" class. Most of the other students in my class have more German experience than I, and a couple of the Americans had even taken German classes in school! However, I have improved a lot, and can now understand and speak simple sentences. My teacher speaks to us in only German, and at home, my family speaks to  me in almost all German so I think that helps me learn faster.

My favourite part about going to language school is seeing the other exchange students. Everyone is so happy and friendly that we've all become friends. After school last week, we went swimming on Monday and Tuesday in Zurich Lake! The water  here is amazing. Fresh Alpwater! I felt like I was swimming in a water bottle (weird analogy, I know) but seriously, there were no jelly fish or crabs or seaweed or anything! It was great! I have also been to a couple pools, and my hostfamily took me to the Halwiler Lake last weekend which was absolutely clear and amazing. I went swimming 6 out of 7 days- and I'm glad because it has been 34+ degree weather since I got here!

This coming week is my last week of Language camp, and then I will start real swiss school in Aarau. Also, my host mom signed me up for soccer, so I have my first practice tomorrow! So far I am loving my exchange, and I will try to post another update soon!

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