Friday 7 October 2011

My Week in the Swamps- an unforgettable 18th

At my school, all of the second year classes (there are four grades in highschool) have a "Soziale Woche" which translates to 'Social Week' but is really more about community service. Each class travels together and is given a place to stay, and a task to do for the week.

My class and I were sent to "Wengimoos" a kind of swamp/moor area near Bern to help a local farmer. We stayed in an old army base that had a hostel-like set up for sleeping, as well as our own kitchen and eating area. We took turns being part of the "kitchen team" which exempted us from a morning of field work, in exchange for cooking meals for the group that day.

We were woken for breakfast at 7:30 and left at 8:30 by bicycle, so that we were working by 9:00. In the swamps, we had pitchforks and linen sheets (brought from home) which we used to rake dried hay into piles, then shovel it into the sheets, and carry the full sheets across the field into one big pile. Although it wasn't too complicated, the work was tiring! By the time the kitchen team arrived with sandwiches for lunch, we were all more than ready for a break! And when we finished at 4:30, the half hour bike ride home (of course, all uphill) seemed like an almost unbearable thought! After we all made it back to homebase, we showered, ate, and then played cards for most of the evening!

Monday was my group's turn to cook, so I was saved from the swamp that morning, which also happened to be my birthday! That evening they sang happy birthday and we had birthday cake which some of my classmates had baked at home! Working in the rainy swamps and birthday cake with my whole class sure made for an unforgettable birthday!

Of course it wasn't hard work all week, we had Wednesday free, so we all took a train into nearby Bern and spent the day! It was my first time really getting to see Bern and I loved it! The parliament building, and national bank very regally overlook the river, the market had lots to offer, and the shopping was great!

By the time the week was finished, I ended up working only Monday afternoon, and all day Tuesday and Thursday (Friday was our cleaning and travelling day). I felt I definitely moved forward on my German because I was continually questioning my classmates as we worked! I had a lot of fun with my class, and they are all great people to spend a week with! I understood -some- of what they said, and guessed the rest. Overall, my week in the swamps was a great experience both because I got to experience Swiss farming, and because I really enjoyed bonding with my classmates!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Coming soon, to a blog near you

Sorry to keep you in suspense (is it too much to assume you're sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for my blog postings?), but I haven't yet had a chance to write anything about my week in the swamps! You might ask, "Why doesn't she just do it now instead of apologizing/promising ?". Answer: Sleep. I take my sleeping very seriously here in Switzerland (German is a lot harder when I'm tired) and I have to get up early tomorrow morning!

So I had a great week working with my class, and I am now a week and a half into my three week school break! Tomorrow morning I am going to my host family's cottage in the mountains, with my host mother, and I will return on Wednesday all set to tell you about the swamp and about my first week off!

In the meantime, I will leave you with a picture of my week. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?